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This 2, 4 and 5 color offset press provides a solid frame and bed structureproviding a maximum printing speed of 15,000IPH (in straight mode).
• Advantageous to ideal printing quality on larger cylinder
• Extensibility to the global printing quality control and
network facility
• Ergonomics design with small foot-print


・SAS (sheet size and thickness preset device)
・Suction belt feeding
・Static eliminator bars
・Front guide sensor
・Side lay sensor
・Ultrasonic double sheet detector
・Mechanical double sheet detector
・Automatic ink roller wash-up
・Ink duct time adjustment system
・Continuous dampening system
・SPC automatic plate changing
・Remote control plate cylinder adjustment
・Automatic cocking device
・Automatic blanket wash-up
・Automatic impression adjustment system
・Automatic perfecting changeover (SIP model only)
・Quick release blanket bar
・Semi-high pile delivery
・Motorized positioning delivery vacuum wheels
・Motorized delivery pile board
・Powder spray device
・Sheet decurler
・DTC - delivery top console type I (4 color presses)
・DTC - delivery top console type III (5 color presses)
・SIS-sakurai interactive system.
・QSS-quick stand-by system
・Ink roller cooling device
・Synchronous washing system for (blanket and ink rollers
・Coating unit
・Extended delivery (long or semi-long type)
・UV or IR drying packages
・DTC typeII and III (type III in standard on 5 color presses)
・SCC typeI,II and III (Independent color console)
・CIP3 interface
・Oscillating ink form roller
・Hickey picker bars
・Continuous delivery racking device